love life happy

Discover your path, dream bigger, and gain confidence to create a life you absolutely love.

A dynamic, four-month group coaching program that combines expert support, proven strategies, and a community of dreamers to help you design your ideal life.

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"I realized that I don't have to put up with a subpar life for financial freedom. I can design a life I don't want to escape from."

20 cohorts have already designed lives they truly love

You don't have to wait until the next financial milestone. You can design your life RIGHT NOW.

I’ve been designing my life since 2019. Here’s what I learned:

This program will teach you the exact strategies I used to figure out what I wanted, dream big, and craft a life I don't want to retire from.

In July of 2018, I quit a toxic job to design a life I truly love. To be clear I didn’t just quit and run off to travel the world. 

Instead, I discovered what I valued most – health, relationships, creativity, and adventure – and designed my life around those things.  

After taking a 6-month career break in 2018, I went back to work part-time at a non-profit organization. This schedule provided me with time and energy to focus on my health, wellness, relationships, and passion projects.  

After just two years, I was able to turn my passion projects into an income-generating business. From there, I experimented with long-term travel and built out a campervan with my husband. In 2023, we transitioned to a location-independent lifestyle, where we can travel for months at a time and spend the rest of our time at our home base in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. 

I truly love my life. I’m energized by my work, and I love that I can wake up without an alarm clock, work at my own pace, and take breaks whenever I need them. In addition to my creative endeavors, I have plenty of time to focus on my health, relationships, and awe-inspiring adventures.  

I’ve designed a life I don’t want to retire from, and I did it LONG before reaching financial independence.  

It wasn’t always like this though… 

Before starting on this journey, I was completely burned out. Everyday was the same stressful routine, and I felt like I could never catch a break. 

From the outside, my life looked successful and idyllic. People thought I was living the dream. 

On the inside, I was completely miserable and burned out. It felt more like a nightmare.  

And, here’s what worse: I thought about making a change for years, but I never did anything about it.  

Then, all of a sudden, things got really stressful at work. I started experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks. It was so severe that I could no longer avoid it. 

I wish I had made significant changes sooner.  

So, why didn’t I?

After working with lots of people, I discovered my reasons were the same as the ones you might have right now.  

Do you feel like you are living on autopilot? Like you are stuck in a rut? Burned out? Like there should be more to life?  

I promise you – there is! 

Design a Live You Love will teach you the exact strategies I used to:

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign-Up

Design a Life You Love is a 4-month group coaching program with everything you need to jump-start your lifestyle design process. 

In the Design a Life You Love Program, I share all the best tools and resources to help you identify the building blocks of your ideal life, to dream big about what the future holds, and to move from ideas to action. 

For the entire process, you’ll be supported by me and surrounded by a like-minded community with similar goals. 

Over the course of 4 months, our small group of 3-4 people will meet 8 times (every other week) to discuss and apply the best lifestyle design frameworks and tools. 

I will provide you with pre-work for each session and match you up with an accountability partner to continue the conversation between group meetings. 

By the end of the program, you will know what you want and how to incorporate those dreams into your life today and long-term. You’ll have a clear vision, big ideas, and a concrete plan to explore those ideas. You will learn strategies to help you overcome barriers and limiting beliefs. You will build a like-minded community that will push you forward. 

Group Coaching Enrollment is currently closed.

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Community of Support and Accountability

You will build deep relationships with the group and your accountability partner. This group of people will help you dream bigger, push you forward, and hold you accountable.

Access to the Best Lifestyle Design Tools & Activities

I will guide you through my 3-Step lifestyle design process, starting with a process to identify the building blocks of your ideal life. Then, we’ll use tools to brainstorm and dream big. We’ll explore ways to experiment with our big dreams and goals to ensure we really want to pursue them.

Strategies to Overcome What Holds You Back

You will have concrete strategies to help you move forward even when things feel scary or you lack confidence.

The Program follows a 3-step lifestyle design process.

Module 1 - Identify the Elements of Your Ideal Life (8 weeks)

Module 2 - Set Aside the Inner Critic & Dream Big (4 weeks)

Module 3 - Move from Ideas to Action through Experimention (4 weeks)

You’ll also get these special bonuses:

Bonus 90-Day Planning Session

In this session, you'll get clarity on how to set concrete goals for the first 3 months after the program.

Action Planning Support

You'll receive action planning and goal setting templates to help you take immediate steps toward your ideal life.

Complimentary Access to the Intentional Living Challenge

You'll have the opportunity to participate in the 10-Day Intentional Living Challenge for free.

Picture of About the Group Leader and Coach, Jessica

About the Group Leader and Coach, Jessica

Jessica is a lifestyle design expert and co-founder of the award winning Financial Independence platform, The Fioneers. She is skilled in training design, facilitation, and adult learning. Throughout her career in both Human Resources and Coaching, she has facilitated countless learning experiences through retreats, workshops, small group processes, and one-on-one coaching.

Jessica has helped thousands of people discover what they really want and develop skills, strategies, and mindsets to move toward their goals and feel good doing it. Her clients have started businesses, reduced their work hours, become digital nomads, found jobs they enjoyed more, negotiated sabbaticals, and more.

What is your current lifestyle costing you?

After I worked through this three-stage lifestyle design process and started building a better life, something really surprising happened. I looked at my spending and realized that I had spent $17,000 less than the year before.  

Life felt the same. Actually, life felt better. 

How did this happen? 

I dug deeper and realized that our spending in 4 categories had decreased significantly. It was not surprising that these categories could be described as convenience (groceries and restaurants) and escape (travel and general shopping). 

When I was stressed out and unhappy with my life, I’d buy expensive, easy-to-make groceries because I knew I’d be too tired to cook. 

When I was especially tired (which was much of the time), I would order take-out or go out to eat. That happened too often. Then, the expensive, convenient groceries went to waste. 

I felt like I deserved fancy vacations because I worked so hard. Vacations were the thing I looked forward to all year. Don’t get me wrong; I do like a good vacation, but it doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive.  

I bought way too many random things. I’d go shopping online or in a store for clothes, shoes, books, games, kitchen gadgets, etc. In the year before I embarked on my lifestyle design process, I spent $4,000 each year on “general shopping.” 

Sadly, general shopping is a catchall category, and I couldn’t point to what I actually spent the money on.  

Somehow, designing a better life for myself inadvertently improved my financial health. 

Most importantly, my life is so much better. I’m no longer burned out. I feel energized and engaged by my work and passion projects. 

Not only that, I have a healthy balance that allows me to also focus on having fun, building strong relationships, and improving my health.

Think about it. Do you spend money on things because it will help make life feel more bearable? Could you reduce or eliminate convenience or escape spending AND design a life you love?

Design a Life You Love

Group Coaching
  • 4 Months of Group Coaching with Jessica
  • 3-Module Lifestyle Design Process, Resources, and Tools
  • Accountability Partner to check-in between coaching calls
  • Online Forum to check-in with the group between meetings
  • Bonus Content on Goal Setting
  • Action Plan Templates
  • 4 months of Instant Messenger Access to Jessica
  • Complimentary Access to the 10-Day Intentional Living Challenge (regularly $97)

I wish I hadn't waited so long...

I spent too many precious years thinking about making changes in my life. I was paralyzed because:

  • I didn’t realize the options that were available
  • I didn’t know how to figure out what I really wanted
  • I was afraid that my new situation would be worse or compromise me financially 

If I could provide any advice, it would be this. Don’t wait to start designing a life you love. 

You don’t have to know what you already want. You can still need to generate income. You can reclaim your time and your energy before achieving FI. Some people won’t understand your goals, and that’s okay. 

Just start. 

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

Group Coaching Enrollment is currently closed.

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