community support scarcity

Overcome Your Scarcity Mindset

Know your numbers. Build an abundance mindset. Create a plan to make your dreams a reality.  

The class will kick-off on Sunday, April 18th at 7 PM. 

Enrollment closes on Sunday, April 18th at 7 PM.


Hi. We’re Jess and Mel! Over the last few years, we’ve not only embarked our own financial independence journeys, but we’ve also started businesses and left our 9-to-5s (before reaching FI).  

I (Mel) am currently on a 1-year sabbatical to test out entrepreneurship and my Coast FI path. I spend about 20 hours/week on my passion of financial coaching. I help individuals and families take control of their finances.  

Working 20 hours/week leaves me plenty of time to focus on my core values and hobbies. I get to spend more time with my two young kids, garden, take care of my health, and lend help to my extended family.  

I (Jess) quit a full-time, toxic job in 2018. Then, I went on to work part-time in a nonprofit organization for two years while I built my business on the side. In January of 2021, I took the leap to full-time entrepreneurship.  

I love being self-employed. I get to wake up without an alarm clock, have a leisurely morning with a hot cup of coffee and my journal, and work on my passion projects whenever I want to. I’ve designed my life around what I value most – health, relationships, creativity, adventure, and energizing work. 

Overcoming our scarcity mindsets and building abundance mindsets was key for both of us to make these transitions.  

To be clear, it took time and deliberate effort to learn and experiment with strategies to overcome our fears and limiting beliefs along the way.  

For example, my spouse and I (Mel) had crafted a 10-year plan to reach financial independence. Along the way, I began to do financial coaching as a side-hustle. This work was deeply energizing to me, so I started considering leaving my 9-to-5 to focus on this. 

But… I hesitated. 

My initial eagerness for the change took a turn as limiting beliefs arose:


When I (Jess) decided to start my own business and eventually transition to full-time entrepreneurship, my scarcity mindset reared its ugly head. Here were just a few of the thoughts that arose: 

 The first step to making progress toward either of our goals was to overcome our scarcity mindsets. 

Do you feel like many of your thoughts originate from a scarcity mindset? 

Does reflecting on a future objective or potential change automatically results in fear, stress, and anxiety? Does it make you worry about what you might lose?  Are you afraid that you won’t have enough money, skills, knowledge, or confidence to make your dreams into a reality? 

A scarcity mindset can cause you to over-focus too much on short-term solutions and lose sight of your long-term goals and priorities.  

Don’t waste any more precious time not working toward your goals because you: 

Imagine a life where:

The first step (and most important step) is to overcome your scarcity mindset. 

community support scarcity

A 3-class series (over 3 weeks) that will help you to overcome your scarcity mindset. 

In this 3-class series, we will share our best tools and resources to help you: 

Over the course of 3 weeks, you’ll participate in three LIVE group presentation sessions and one Q&A session. You’ll also receive pre-work and reflection materials for each class. 

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign-Up

Overcome Your Scarcity Mindset

3 Class Series
$ 97
  • 3 LIVE Group Presentation Sessions with Jessica and Mel
  • 1 LIVE Q&A session focused on calculating important financial numbers
  • Spreadsheet templates to help you know your numbers
  • Pre-work and reflection for each session
  • Access to Jess and Mel by email during the class
  • Pre-enrollment opportunities for Group or Individual Coaching

About the Group Facilitators, Jessica and Mel

Jessica is an expert in training design, facilitation, and adult learning. Throughout her previous career in Human Resources, she facilitated countless learning experiences through retreats, workshops, and small group processes.

Jessica now applies her expertise in lifestyle design coaching groups to help people design lives they love and to explore their career (broadly defined) opportunities and passions. She loves the lightbulb moments when she sees people learning something new and deciding to transform their lives.

Mel is a financial coach. She is an expert in helping individuals, couples and families pay off debt, create budgets, and design their own financial independence roadmaps. Over the last 10 years, her own family progressed from a negative net worth to achieving 80% of their target financial independence number.

In her financial coaching, she utilizes the skills and knowledge from her trilingual Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and career as a Senior Business Analyst in the Canadian Federal Government. She has a compassionate and positive approach to finances to facilitate optimal learning and sustainable progress.

You Can Overcome Your Scarcity Mindset and Move in the Direction of Your Goals

In this 3-class series, you’ll:

The Cost of Having a Scarcity Mindset

To be honest, the cost of a scarcity mindset is hard to quantify. But, I (Jess) will tell you a story about what the “cost” was for me. 

In the summer of 2018, I started to experience severe anxiety and panic attacks. It was as if my body said, “You didn’t decide to get yourself out of this stressful, toxic situation, so I’m deciding for you.” 

This was the start of a long recovery process. I ended up taking 6 months off of work through a medical leave. I quit the toxic job and went back to work part-time (because 3 days/week was all my mental health could handle). 

Over time, things stabilized. I started my business, and I ultimately quit my job to become a full-time entrepreneur. 

Almost 3 years later, things are much better. I’ll let you in on a little secret though. Sometimes, I still need a beta-blocker before I can lead a presentation or do a podcast interview.  

All of this happened (and happens still) because I had a scarcity mindset. 

I didn’t understand my numbers. I didn’t realize that my finances were okay (or even good). I didn’t realize that if I left my job, I’d still be okay. I could have been unemployed for several months (or even a year), and I’d have been okay. I could have gotten a lower-paying job, and I’d still have been okay. 

Instead, I had a constant (and irrational) feeling that I could lose everything. 

So, I stayed in a toxic situation that ruined my mental health. 

It cost me money (lost wages, doctor and therapist appointment copays, medication, etc.), but most importantly, it cost me my happiness and health for this period of time (with some lingering effects through to today).

If I hadn’t let my scarcity mindset hold me back, my life path could have been very different (and much less painful). 

It’s possible that you are experiencing something similar. I hope whatever you are experiencing is less extreme. 

Like me, maybe you have stayed in a situation that isn’t serving you for too long. 

Or, maybe you have an idea that you’ve been considering for months or even years: 


I could make comparisons about how $97 is the cost of two take-out meals or a few minutes of online shopping. But, I won’t. 


Because one part of overcoming a scarcity mindset is learning to intentionally spend money on things you value. 

If your scarcity mindset it holding you back, choosing to intentionally spend money to invest in yourself (to transform your relationship with money) is a great first step forward.  

Overcome Your Scarcity Mindset

3 Class Series
$ 97
  • 3 LIVE Group Presentation Sessions with Jessica and Mel
  • 1 LIVE Q&A session focused on calculating important financial numbers
  • Spreadsheet templates to help you know your numbers
  • Pre-work and reflection for each session
  • Access to Jess and Mel by email during the class
  • Pre-enrollment opportunities for Group or Individual Coaching

Enrollment closes on Sunday, April 18th at 7 PM.


This is What People are Saying about Working with Jessica and Mel

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