Don’t let fear hold you back. Build confidence in your finances. Create the life you want.

Four-week cohort-based course teaching you the strategies we used to embrace a Coast FI Lifestyle

Enrollment for the Fall 2024 Cohort has closed.
Join the waitlist below.

"I heard about Coast FI from the Fioneers, and it has completely changed my life."

We've helped thousands of people use Financial Freedom

“I heard about Coast FI from the Fioneers in 2020, and it has completely changed my life. At the time, I was overworked and stressed out with a 50% savings rate on the path to FIRE. After downloading their calculator and realizing I had already reached Coast FI, I was able to downshift my work, lean into flexibility and freedom now, and let compound interest do the heavy lifting for the next few decades. Now, I’m self-employed and make enough money to cover my little family of three’s living expenses on less than 15 hours or work per week. I wouldn’t trade this flexible lifestyle for anything.”
Anders Skagerberg, CFP
“The program helped me realize that I can make small changes now. It’s okay to do (and work) less. I worked hard to be in the fortunate position to choose how I want work to fit into my ideal lifestyle.”
"Before the program, I was feeling really stuck in my work life. I knew I wanted to downshift to part-time work at some point, but felt that the golden handcuffs were real and things were fine. In the program, I learned how many options I truly have when it comes to my work life. The sky is literally the limit when it comes to experimenting with the work I do for income. Because of the financial freedom I have already gained on my journey to FI, I have the ability to take chances and experiment with how I want my work life to look."
Liana Merrill
“When I learned about Coast FI, I was working a full-time schedule as a nursing professor and working as a per diem nurse as well. In November 2022, I reached my Coast FI number. With this newfound knowledge, I mustered the courage to ask my dean to reduce my teaching workload. I also scaled back my work as a per diem Registered Nurse. I now work with the nursing agency as needed if someone calls in sick. I work 4-6 shifts/month and teach fully remote classes.”
Kathy Kaye

Coast FI gives you options. What YOU DO with it is up to you.

We’ve been pursuing financial independence since 2018. In that time, we’ve come to understand 5 things:

This course will teach you the exact strategies we used to overcome our fears of scarcity, take action and create a better life for ourselves before reaching financial independence.

We discovered Coast FI about six years ago. At the time, we were pursuing FI, and Jess felt trapped in a toxic job. 

Coast FI – the point where you can stop saving and investing for retirement because your money will grow in the background – provided us with a feeling of freedom to start making changes.

We didn’t scale back to a full Coast FI Lifestyle where we only cover our actual costs right away.


Because transitioning from the “accumulation phase” to the “enjoyment phase” is difficult and SCARY!

Instead, we made a gradual transition that allowed us to work through our fears and build confidence along the way. 

Jess took a career break to focus on her mental health and recovering from burnout. After six months, she went back to work part-time and loved it. Life improved dramatically when she worked less. Plus, we no longer craved the dopamine hit from unnecessary purchases or wasted money on escapism. Consequently, she never returned to full-time work.

Over the next five years, we gradually embraced a Coast FI lifestyle.

It began with Jess working part-time, then progressed to quitting that job to pursue entrepreneurship. We started allocating more funds toward experiences, like buying and building out our campervan and exploring the great outdoors for months at a time.

Finally, in 2023, Corey left his day job to join Jess in entrepreneurship. This was the day that we fully embraced a Coast FI lifestyle. We completely stopped saving and investing for retirement.

We haven’t saved or invested a single dollar since then, and guess what?

We’ve had difficult moments where our fears and scarcity mindset flare up. It’s hard, and that’s completely normal. 

While it’s been uncomfortable and challenging, we’re learning how to work through the fears, be patient with our plans, focus on the inputs, and trust ourselves that we will adjust when needed.

And we’ve been more than okay! Our money continues to grow in the background, and we get to spend our time and energy doing what we love.

We want the same for you!

Coast with Confidence will teach you the exact strategies that we used to:

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign-Up

Coast with Confidence is a 4-week cohort-based course for people who have reached Coast FI (or are close to it) and are eager to make a change. This course includes everything you need to build confidence in your Coast FI plans.

In the program, we share the best tools and resources to help you gain confidence in your finances, explore your options, work through your fears, and create your Coast FI plan.

For the entire process, you’ll be supported by us and surrounded by a like-minded community with similar goals.

Over a month, your cohort of less than 20 people will meet 4 times (weekly) to discuss and apply the best Coast FI frameworks and tools. You’ll receive prework to prepare and get the most out of each session.

By the end of the program, you will understand your options and have greater confidence in your Coast FI plans. You’ll learn strategies to help you overcome the fears and limiting beliefs that will pop up along the way. You will build a like-minded community that will push you forward.

You will be ready to Coast with Confidence.

Module 1 - Coast FI Calculation & Options

Module 2 - Building Confidence

Module 3 - Create a Coast FI Plan

Coast with Confidence

Live Cohort Course
  • 4 Live Cohort Meetings with live Q&A with Jess and Corey
  • Our best tools and resources to help you Coast with Confidence
  • Feedback and personal review of your Coast FI calculations
  • Practical Strategies to work through fears and limiting beliefs
  • Action Plan Templates
  • Access to an online forum to connect with the Fioneers and the rest of the community

"I heard about Coast FI from the Fioneers, and it has completely changed my life."

We've helped thousands of people use Financial Freedom

“I heard about Coast FI from the Fioneers in 2020, and it has completely changed my life. At the time, I was overworked and stressed out with a 50% savings rate on the path to FIRE. After downloading their calculator and realizing I had already reached Coast FI, I was able to downshift my work, lean into flexibility and freedom now, and let compound interest do the heavy lifting for the next few decades. Now, I’m self-employed and make enough money to cover my little family of three’s living expenses on less than 15 hours or work per week. I wouldn’t trade this flexible lifestyle for anything.”
Anders Skagerberg, CFP
“The program helped me realize that I can make small changes now. It’s okay to do (and work) less. I worked hard to be in the fortunate position to choose how I want work to fit into my ideal lifestyle.”
"Before the program, I was feeling really stuck in my work life. I knew I wanted to downshift to part-time work at some point, but felt that the golden handcuffs were real and things were fine. In the program, I learned how many options I truly have when it comes to my work life. The sky is literally the limit when it comes to experimenting with the work I do for income. Because of the financial freedom I have already gained on my journey to FI, I have the ability to take chances and experiment with how I want my work life to look."
Liana Merrill
“When I learned about Coast FI, I was working a full-time schedule as a nursing professor and working as a per diem nurse as well. In November 2022, I reached my Coast FI number. With this newfound knowledge, I mustered the courage to ask my dean to reduce my teaching workload. I also scaled back my work as a per diem Registered Nurse. I now work with the nursing agency as needed if someone calls in sick. I work 4-6 shifts/month and teach fully remote classes.”
Kathy Kaye
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